Saturday, August 27, 2005

Saturday Night is the Loneliest Night of the Week...

Thanks, Frank. I agree.

Day 10, Cycle 2: MISSED EASY 5 MILE RUN

I'd grade this cycle a C. I'm trying not to be too hard on myself since I only missed one workout. Two if you count my cross training workout, which I decided to include as a done workout since I turned cartwheels on the shore and body surfed for approximately 8 minutes.

I worked today, my turn for the Saturday rotation. Turned into a 10-hour day. Gym closes at 8 p.m., it's getting dark now early so I missed my shot at outside run (could have done at least short one had I brought my clothes).

I'm now blue, sitting at home on a Saturday night, too tired to go out, too restless to sit in. I am going to spend the next 10 minutes feeling sorry for myself. But first, what went wrong this cycle, which started out promising enough with hard tempo and hill workouts and steady easy mile days:

1) I ate too much, and not the right mix. I eat generally well (by my standards). So it's not like I ran out and eating fast food. Rather, I just ate too much, and too late (10 p.m. quesadilla anyone?). And I definitely did not have enough fruits and vegetables. Part of this is because I returned from long vacation Tuesday and have yet to go grocery shopping. Meals consisted of putting scraps together, pizza and eating out. Now I'm making excuses. Cut it out.

2) I seem to have lost my focus. Do I honestly think I can qualify for Boston with my little happy 9 minute + runs? When exactly do I plan on kicking up the speed? November?

3) I did not get enough sleep. I tried but had counted on two late work days that later turned into days. So instead of going in at 3 p.m. I entered work at 10 a.m. which cut out sleep, leisurely workouts, etc. (boy, sure sounds like I'm making excuses again). I don't suppose going out until 1:30 a.m. the day before having to wake up for 7:15 a.m. interview helped either.

Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life. Or rather, the first day of Cycle 3. You will see a new me. The big test will be Day 4 (or is it 5) when I do my tempo: 15 minute easy, 40 minute marathon pace, 15 minute easy. Boston qualifying marathon pace is 8:23/mile. Since I'm being careful about injury, I'll likely do more like a 840 or 845. Still, that will be a challenge.

Now I'm gonna go mope and feel sorry for myself and think about why I need to suck so much when I clearly don't have to. But then I'll get distracted by the football game and reading "Nickle and Dimed" and I'll remember my problems are pretty darn little.

Nite nite. Off to (briefly) feel sorry for myself.


Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

Wow. Qualifying for Boston. What an awesome goal. Don't let life get you down. That's just how it goes some day. Motivation will return. Those workouts will flow!

Anonymous said...

nothing like a good wallow to get you into a better mood. Enjoy!