Tuesday, August 09, 2005


When I'm not talking about running, writing about running, reading about running or actually running, I'm a running coach.

With three races (one a sprint tri) under my belt, it's hard for me to think of anyone more qualified. So far I've got 2 clients. A third may be joining the team tomorrow.

I did not set out to become a coach. Running is like a flu bug, you catch it from being around it. Because I talked about running incessantly, Kim, coworker, wanted to try. Little sis, always a casual runner, decided to try a half marathon. It's this Sunday, and since I'm headed West for a visit, I'll be joining her from mile 9 on. I will offer encouragement and firm words of support while I push her to go faster. I'll take my cues from her, who during a slow transition during my sprint tri yelled "Pick up the pace!" drawing an unpleasant remark from the woman next to her, which she ignored. But like Sis says, she's real.

Kim had never run in her life. In her early 30s, she was ready for a challenge. She's now hooked.
What follows is actual testimonial from Kim, written earlier today: "I've definitely noticed changes with me-places where i had some problem areas are quickly disappearing. plus, i've gotten into working out with some weights at home, too. I'm definitely more confident than i had been, and proud of myself. I've been challenging myself mentally when i run, too, which transfers to home and work."

I couldn't help beam with pride.

Hummer, whom I'll call until I get permission to use his name, told me the other night he was unhappy with the shape he was in. So he's planning to join Kim, LM and me for a run Wed night. He's tinting the windows to his truck so he said he might not make it back in time, he said. And I'll try again to have him out sometime soon in case he doesn't show.

I'm also a running advice columnist. I'll be excerpting comments from previous Q&As to give you a sample of the type of work I do (even if it's just emails between sis and i. still). Stay tuned.

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