Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I'm on my way....

Sung to the tune of "We're on our way" from that commercial a few years back from budget motel or motel 6 or whatever.

Today: Easy 4.6- miles. Unsure of distance. But I estimate I did between 4.66 and 4.75 miles in 40ish minutes. That's close to my Boston qualifying target. My sched said easy run, but sometimes when you're training for a pace much, much faster than you, "easy" must, for a time, not be so easy.

Hurricane Katrina (I can hardly believe the devastation) brought a tropical humidity to my area, several hundred miles away from that crazy thing. I'm not complaining, in light of the havoc being wreaked as I write, but i'll simply point out I was dripping buckets. Buckets and buckets and buckets. My towel was soaked, my hair was dripping, I couldnt see.

But I'm not messing around anymore. So the fast pace must be upheld. I know it's because I've trained so slow but I seriously wonder if an -8:30 pace for 26 miles is even possible. You can't know till you tried. However, my left shin (is it my shin? I have trouble pinpointing problem areas since a general spot seems to hurt) has acted up as of late. In light of my (overly?) ambitious goal, I'm gonna schedule appointment with physical therapist to see if orthotics would ensure a safer route for the next few months as I push my body farther than it may be expecting.

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