Thursday, September 08, 2005


yesterday i posted on the local running web site for a new running partner. I met LM there, who turned out to be a dear friend/excellent running motivator/coach. I figured I can't lose. So I get a response from a cat who is part of TNT (team in training). He responds to just about every post from those seeking partners.

I have nothing against TNT'ers. How could one? Seriously. In fact I cheer those purple shirts super hard while I'm running or watching a race. If you can A. run and B. run for a cause you're a step better than me. Yet, like that little Brownie I was that barely managed to sell 10 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies cause I hated sales, the idea of fundraising is like a huge, gigundo obstacle for me.

So he writes back, says he's TNT local coach. I write back, cool, this is when I run but i should let you know I'm not interested in TNT events this year. Next year, I tell him, might be different. Then I send a difft' message asking does he know about local triathlon.

He emails tonight with a link to the race. It's ON and now I can sign up!!! I'm telling you, that running web site is a gem, a blessing, a can't miss.

1 comment:

Cris said...

Which website is it?