Sunday, October 16, 2005

And that's the recipe for making lo-, i mean, pre-long run menus and cockails

Pre-10-mile run nourishment: cup and a half of coffee, cream and sugar. Slice of pepp. pizza. How can I lose?

And so with this in my tummy I began Sunday's long run of the cycle, a 10 miler, short because I'm on 'recovery' week. I decide I'm gonna push it, and go harder than i've gone in awhile. By mile 1 I'm already several dehydrated. I am panting, having trouble getting enough oxygen. But I dont slow down.

I mentioned several weeks ago my good friend LM moved outta town. With her gone our little summer party circle partially broke up. This is fine with me. I seemed to be getting into more and more trouble as summer went on. But LM moving was not so fine. Bye, running partner. Bye, my dancing partner. :-( So last night we all headed down to see her new digs. We begin the evening with cocktails and hor de voures. Jen mixes up divine little pink slushy martinis -- grey goose vodka, watermelon mixer and ice blended up. Perfectly mixed, not too strong.

Then Hummer decides he's gonna play bartender. I hand him my empty glass. He returns with grey goose on the rocks. I'd say there was a splash of watermelon mixer but that'd be stretching it. Another, and off we go dancing. They have Southern Comfort with lime -- IN THE DISPENSER!!! That emphasis is not mine. i don't like SOCO. Hummer, however, tipsy and rapidly becoming the life of the party is THRILLED.

"We HAVE to do a shot!" he practically yells in excitement.

I am not the type to let others drink alone. I'm just that kind of girl. Down it goes.

So back to today. I stop at water fountain around mile 2.5ish. I gulp down water. I dont realize how hard I'm running until i stop and begin gasping for air. I keep that pace for around 7 miles.

You know it's a good run when you've decided to ease up for final 3 miles but your body actually rebels.
"Why we slowing down?" it asked me today.
"Because," I explained. "We don't want any problems later this week."

Perhaps it went so well because it was just one of those perfect fall afternoons. Everyone was in a good mood, it was super windy but still not too cold. And red, orange and yellow everywhere. I love seasons!

Or maybe it was the SOCO?

Anyway, got final word my abuelita will be in Vegas. Hurrah! My grandma and mom are neither drinkers nor gamblers (i am my father's child), but they're saving their money for the other Vegas draw. That's right, the shopping!

Halftime report: Chargers up. Go blue.


nyflygirl said...

mmmm those pink slushy martinis sound good :)

The (IRON) Clyde said...

Don't like Soco and you call yourself "party"runner.... a party isn't a party unless that fine liquor is part of it.

Chelle said...

SoCo was my very first drink when I turned 21! I like your personified body conversation...tres cute.