Thursday, January 26, 2006

the winner of the sweat award goes to...

There are so many running/tri blogs I seriously am having a hard time keepingup. Perhaps I should just subscribe to receive the entire feed of the entireRBF/Tri Geek Alliance. Sometimes I cant find/remember ones I like so I just kinda click here, click there.

Of all the bloggers, however, I've decided I simply must take the prize in...(drum roll) sweating. It's absurd. It's disgutsting. It's NOT RIGHT.

So yesterday, after seeing Scott's comment, I grew intrigued by that escalator thing he was talking about. Sure enough, my gym has one. You know, it's like a stepmaster only the stairs actually move? I climbed on.

Mofo! That sucka's hard as sh--. 'But what if I want to take a break,' I thought panicky-like? The stairs keep moving and there is nothing for me to do but keep climbing steps! 'But I want a little break in between floors!' Doesn't matter -the thing won't let you. I keep looking down at my feet to make sure I don't miss a step. When I grow more confident, I look up only to have my foot step too far into the step and crumple up painfully.

A gal walks by, says real friendly-like "That's a killer isn't it?"

It's because I am DRENCHED IN SWEAT. I can feel it pouring down my face, going into my eyes, my neck, dripping off my ponytails, my upper back, my middle back, my lower back. I am APALLED that it can't seem to stop. I can barely hold onto the bars cuase my hands are so slippery with sweat. And before you think, 'why,that loser, why not just reduce the level?' I was at a moderate level. It's just that bad.

I am the grossest sweater ever.


Iron Jayhawk said...

I'm convinced those stair machines were developed in the seventh circle of hell. I hate them. Time after time they just whip my rear (and oddly, I still come back for more).

Once upon a time I actually wiped out on one. You know you deserve the loser award when literally everyone in the gym stops to turn to you to make sure you're still alive after the crashing thud that interrupted their shins haven't been the same since.

The (IRON) Clyde said...

Sorry kiddo, I got you beat hands down on this....

Not to gross people out, but when I run, especially on the treadmill, there is literally a pool underneath me. I am not kidding.

I'm starting to sweat just typing this.

Deene said...

I don't think my gym has any of those machines but they sound like torture yet fun in a twisted kind of way for runners.

LeahC said...

I have seen those machines and I'm too scared of killing myself on it to try it.

I was running on a treadmill back in college and I was like, "yeah man i'm awesome" because I had the pace set really high. so my work out ends and I walk off the thing and my legs were so rubbery that i completly lost my balance and fell right on my face! the other people at the gym were like, "uh are you ok?" i felt like such a loser.

If anyone has read My Name is Charlotte Simmons by Tom Wolfe there is a scene very similar to that happening and it's freakin' hilarious!

E-Speed said...

No way! I am really bad, and I have run by guys on the track that have actually sweat so much that when they run in front of me it is like it is raining! GROSS!

Andrea said...

You didn't mention sweating under your arms. Is that b/c you had anti-perspirant on? I hate that stuff -- my thought is, your body has a mechanism to regulate your body temperature. When you prevent your body from cooling you off by sweating through your armpits, it either overheats or finds other places for you to sweat from: hence the back, the rest of the arms, etc etc.
which is why I don't think anti-perspirant should be worn especially when ppl are working out. Deodorant, I can understand. You don't want to stink. But sweaty is for a reason..

Unknown said...

Sorry I haven't I just realized today that for some reason my RSS program doesn't like you.

Anyhow. I love the stair thingos. I mean, ya, running is a work out, but nothing makes me feel like a heart attack waiting to happen like a stair machine. Damn tastey.

Kurt in Boston said...

Grossest? Depends (and I haven't worn anti-persp or deod since high school - and that was a long time ago). But for shear volume I'm sure I could give you a run (climb) for the money. I used to do those machines all the time. (Wish my current gym had one.) I can collect a pool of sweat around a treadmill, or one of those spinning cycles. But the stairclimber? Haul out the wet-vac (or a sump pump).

Unknown said...

hah..we're going to have to have a 'sweat off'. you'll freak out when you see the lather that my shorts and legs develop when i'm running hard and it's humid out. had one day in florida where it looked like i'd poured a milk shake down my shorts!

Rae said...

Those machines look so intriguing! I wish our gym had one. You should have weighed yourself before and after to see how much sweat weight you lost!