Thursday, January 19, 2006


Well, now this is the first and last time I think i'll do one of these blog things (but thanks Flatman, for the diversion!). I don't even like frappacunios. They're too sweet. And why is this blog thingamabobbie calling me childish? Hmph. Plus, my addiction to coffee is way higher than low. It's at least medium. And since i don't like really sweet coffee, that's not right either. (But look, a graphic on my blog!)

You Are a Frappacino
At your best, you are: fun loving, sweet, and modern
At your worst, you are: childish and over indulgent
You drink coffee when: you're craving something sweet
Your caffeine addiction level: low
What Kind of Coffee Are You?


Scott in Washington said...

I like my coffee like I like my... Oh, never mind.

Anonymous said...

Have you tried dark chocolate covered expresso beans? I read about them in Dean Karnazes book Ultra Marathon Man and found some by accident while shopping in Target one day. I sometimes munch a few before going out on a run instead of ingesting liquid caffeine.

Iron Jayhawk said...

I'm siding with Mental Runner...

Dark Chocolate covered espresso beans are the nectar of the gods.

E-Speed said...

I was frap too. we can be childish together ;)

Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

I think they gave me an espresso rating because I own an espresso maker. Rarely drink the stuff these days.

Anonymous said...

ya know what? i got frappacino too...and i disagreed too...and i kept trying to change my answers to get a different result, but i couldn't. i think the thing is fixed...

(now i've admitted i took the test, but then didn't put it on my blog because i didn't like the result...great...just awesome.)


:) said...

I'll trade my angsty black coffee for your childish frap anyday!

Rae said...

I also got Frap and it couldn't BE more wrong!! Those things are way too sweet for me (now). I'm totally cappucino!