Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Today I say a Prayer

Not long after I started distance running a couple of years ago, I began to pray before most of my runs. It was a way to deal with the: “Damn! I have to do a 10-miler today and I’d MUCH rather lie here and watch reality TV.”

I used to haaaate running. In high school, Monday was our one-mile day and I’d do whatever I could to get out of it.

I grew to like it but there are still plenty of days when I can think of many other things I’d like to do rather than that week’s looong run.

So I’d pray. I’d thank God for giving me my health and my body and the ability to run. I’d thank him for letting me be outside enjoying what he created.

Today, one of my dearest friends e-emailed me. His sister, who is 22, was in a bad car accident this weekend. Her spine was broken and she’s now paralyzed from the waist down.

I have no doubt this girl – who I have never met but I know he is close with – will still live life to the fullest. She’s an artist and I know she’ll still take all the good out of life she can.

But it reminds me of my prayers. Should something happen to me, I’ve thought from time to time, I know I’ll make the best of it. Life would be different but not over.

But it would be devastating. I have no illusions about that.

My prayers have become more infrequent before runs, busy thinking about this nonsense and that.

Tomorrow I’m going snowboarding before work. And while I am praying for my friend’s sis, I’ll also give a prayer of thanks. And I'll try to remember to always do so

1 comment:

The (IRON) Clyde said...

I pray to the porcelain god sometimes after a hard night of partying, is that kind of the same thing?