Wednesday, May 31, 2006

tris and birthdays

My tri training plugs along, which frankly is MORE than I can say for my so-called “training partners” Martina and Kim. Martina skipped weights today (but she said she had a surprise in her life. I wonder what it is. I think she’s either moving, or pregnant!). And Kim was 45 minutes late to our scheduled racquetball.

Ladies…what to do with you? I know, Martina, you don’t even read this blog but Kim.
A tri takes work.
Even a sprint.
End of lecture.

Training’s been mellow. Last week I ran, swam and cross trained. No bike but training for three disciplines is rather time consuming so one can imagine you can’t do all three in one week.

Oh and I’m so glad Keith and Scott INSTANTLY side with sissie in any dispute I have with her. I can’t help that she is a demanding coach who threatens to dump me even after a weak training run. Some might agree with this coaching philosophy. Maybe this is why she hasn’t been replaced.

My birthday is coming up. I’m gonna be entering a new decade. Can you imagine….
Newsweek wrote a story today, a 20-year lookback that in 1986 gave women who entered 30 a 2.5% (or close enough) chance of ever getting married. They’ve since revised their calculations, natch. I mean, only 30 and an old maid?

Sure, when sis and I were in Mexico a month ago my grandma pointed out we’d never be married because of our ages. But it’s a time of the world (or rather, a place in the world) when we don’t have to be married if we don’t wanna be and we don’t have to have kids if we don’t wanna (yet).

So when I feel like my life is rather silly, and I wonder if maybe im years behind, I’m just gonna have to shrug. As Bon Jovi might sing, It’s my life. Even though I like that song, Living on a Prayer much better.


Scott in Washington said...

I think most of our lives are rather silly and pointless to boot. I usually find that to be a comfort - getting past the teenage years, when we are usually convinced that our lives have to mean something great and make sweeping changes in the world has been nice.

I like the Beatle song:
There are places I remember
All my life, though some have changed
Some forever not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places had their moments
With lovers and friends
I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all

I think I may start swimming laps on my lunch break. I've also been considering biking to work. Heck, maybe I should do a tri.

Happy birthday Partyrunner.

Unknown said...

Feliz cumpleaños Corredor del Partido! I think...?


I to think like...holy shit! I'm 27 and have just now got my shit together and jumped into grad school. And I don't have any kids yet! And...I can't play chess to save my soul! And...I can't operate any musical instruments! I've got millions of books to read only 50 odd years to do it in!

What am I doing blogging! AAAH!

But then I realize all I want to do with life is garden, walk the dog, take hot baths, and drink beer with friends. So, 50 more years of that and all be ready to go...wherever.. it is we go... if we go anywhere.


Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, dear friend. I admit my gung-ho attitute toward training for this sprint tri has been, shall we say, blah. Though you fail to point out, my trainer, in your slam of my less than stellar routine, that i already have a sprint tri under my belt, completed last year after much less training!!! (But this year I WILL swim in the icky lake water...maybe). I still love you, you (almost) old fart!

And Scott, I'm insanely jealous that you even have the OPTION to swim laps on your lunch break!!!!

Racquetball rules!

Unknown said...

wait, wait, wait...back up. you're not a teenager?

*scores a point*

hope you have a splendid time turning 20!

*scores another point*

and just for the record, i'm on YOUR side.

Anonymous said...

I saw that article (well, I saw the cover of the Newsweek) and I think this is the BEST time of life! In my teens and early 20s, I was such a know-it-all. In my mid-20s, I saw that I didn't know sh*t and felt stupid all the time. But now I feel great! I've never felt so confident or comfortable in my own skin. We're still young and technically don't have to be doing much of anything yet. But... the sands are trickling through the hourglass, so enjoy it!

Deene said...

all of the above, wish i'd said those. you are right - it is YOUR life and it sounds to me like you are having fun.
feliz compleanos!