Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Can it be? Is it possible?

After pledging to become a new type of woman -- less partying, better training and, most importantly, getting rid of bad man -- I am amazed to read my blog for the first time in months and see, rather depressedly, how little progress I made this year. (see Jan. 31. My relapse lasted 11 months)

The bad: I did two races this year, a 10K and a half-marathon. I did not complete a single triathlon.
I partied like a maniac. Am I 31, you may ask, or 21?
The Worst: The bad man is still in my life. Unless you count breaking up two days ago not in my life.

But the year wasn't a complete wash.

I got promoted at work.
I coached Girls on the Run, this fantastic organization that teaches self confidence and running to little girls.
I had much fun and made some fantastic friendships.
I became an auntie.

I'm writing today so I can chronicle my journey into 2008, a year that might, just might, finally bring me the closure I need with the worst relationship I've ever been in. And along the way, take me back to the land of marathons and tris and healthy habits.


katesun said...

i am still here !! good luck

Anonymous said...

Became an auntie? I didn't realize I had children this year.