Saturday, August 13, 2005

The Countdown

FR (aka sis) 1/2 Marathon: 13.5 hours and counting

She's begun to get nervous which in turn is making me, her infallible RC (running coach), also a bit nervous -- as well as highly annoyed with the race's web site and paperwork. How many races have you guys ever done where SPECTATOR INFORMATION was NOT PROVIDED even in a web site's FAQ. Me? NEVER in my ENTIRE three-race history.

But I am keeping my cool. I am keeping my composure.

Now i will go get ready for dinner at an Italian restaurant with group. Since I am not racing tomorrow I will order a stiff martini to drown away my annoyance. But just one. I mean, RC has to be ready to offer support and all that, and also join FR for a few miles at the end.

Race pics to come. SD has generously and patiently offered to sort of walk me thru making my blog cooler. That and more to come...

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